- Javascript
- Python
- Jax
- rollup.js
- Docker
- Docker Compose
- CircleCI
- EC2
I have made significant contributions to a game server project by using my expertise in Python, Rollup.js, and other technologies. One of the key aspects of this project was the deployment of multiple environments to serve the product lifecycle, including dev, stage, and prod. To achieve this, I provisioned several EC2 environments and created continuous deployment tooling to update them whenever git tags matched particular patterns.
In order to simplify the deployment process and ensure easy rollbacks, I utilized Docker to containerize both the client and the server components of the game server project. This allowed for a consistent deployment process across multiple environments and facilitated rapid scaling in response to changing user demands. To optimize performance and cost-effectiveness, I conducted benchmarking tests across various instance classes, identifying the most efficient option for each environment. By leveraging Docker and AWS technologies, I was able to create a streamlined and cost-effective deployment process that optimized performance, scalability, and security. These efforts contributed significantly to the overall success of the game server project.
To ensure secure communications, I configured load balancers for SSL termination. This enabled the client to use secure websockets without needing to manage SSL certificates. Additionally, I updated the compiled client to accept environment-specific variables so that a single image could be deployed to multiple environments.