Work Tracker



  • Python
  • Postgres


  • Django
  • Docker
  • Docker Compose

This was a coding challenge that specified requirements of using Django Rest Framework and a hand full of CRUD APIs to manage projects and time tracking. I have built the app using the Django web framework in Python. I have used Docker-compose to containerize my application and have included a Postgres database within the Docker container. This allows for easy deployment of my application across different environments.

For authentication, I have implemented JSON Web Tokens (JWTs), which provide a secure method for representing user claims between parties. This allows for scalable and flexible authentication within the app, and simplifies extension with with multiple auth providers

To ensure the reliability and maintainability of my code, I have leveraged the Pytest testing framework for automated testing. This allows me to easily write and run unit tests to ensure that my code is working as expected.

I have used Setuptools for dependency management, which simplifies the process of installing and updating dependencies within my app.

To improve performance, I have implemented Redis as a caching mechanism for frequently accessed database objects. This allows for faster access to data and can help to reduce the load on the database.